success criteria - Statements that specify the evidence to show whether or not you have met the learning aim, such as “I can” statements, informal C4U - A check for understanding where students indicate with a 'yes'or 'no' or to what degree they understand or are capable of doing something., CEFR  - A way to organise language proficiency in six levels, effective feedback - Informs students where they are going, how they are doing and what is needed to achieve a certain aim., formal C4U - A check for understanding where students have to poduce written or verbal evidence of having understood or completed a task, 'understand' and 'know' - Two verbs which are not allowed in aims and SC, (learning) aim - WALT - What are we learning today, WILF - What am I looking for - Success criteria - evidence of student learning , Success criteria must ALWAYS show: - Observable evidence of student learning, Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) - The space between what a learner can do without assistance and what a learner can do with adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers, self-assessment - The act or process of analyzing and evaluating oneself or one's actions, peer feedback - A practice where feedback is given by one student to another based on success criteria towards a learning aim, Phase 1 of Gulikers and Baartman's 2017 FE model - Clarifying expectations by setting aims and SC for students, Phase 2 of Gulikers and Baartman's 2017 FE model - Gathering evidence of student learning, Phase 3 of Gulikers and Baartman's 2017 FE model - Analysing and interpreting evidence of student learning based on aims and success criteria, Phase 4 of Gulikers and Baartman's 2017 FE model - Providing students with feedback based on the analysis and interpretation of student learning, Phase 5 of Gulikers and Baartman's 2017 FE model - Adapting teaching to allow students to reach an aim they have not yet achieved,

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