1) What word means stolen? a) bagged b) water bottle c) crockery d) shells 2) I can use _______ and lint to make mothballs a) water b) hair c) fuzz d) fabric e) camphor 3) What do you call people that are too concerned with nice manners? a) immigrants b) messy people c) prigs d) blacks e) yellows f) premises 4) The ship is __________ the docks. a) running b) bearing c) hitting d) breaking e) slapping 5) What is a synonym for dishes? a) water b) mothballs c) lint d) crockery e) beard 6) What do you call the female ruler of the castle? a) king b) prince c) sheperd d) jeepers e) musketeers f) chatelaine 7) He was ____________ the money in his trash can. a) making b) selling c) ripping d) harbouring e) shredding 8) What does "hang it all" mean? a) a phrase expressing dislike or frustration b) yelling at everyone to hang up their shirts c) a saying to remember Jesus d) a teacher's favorite word e) I have to go to the bathroom f) Turkish delight is disgusting 9) What does "pay you out" mean? a) fire a person b) give a lot of money to a specific person c) get back at you d) give you a pencil e) buy things until you are broke f) use your money 10) What are premises? a) a marker b) forks and spoons c) cutlery d) paper e) a place or an area


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