1) What is this process called? a) Swash b) Backwash c) Deposition d) Concordant e) Longshore Drift f) Discordant 2) Which of the following shows "suspension" (type of transportation) a) b) c) d) e) f) 3) What is this? a) Wave cut platform b) Wave cut notch c) Arch d) Cave e) Stack f) Stump 4) Name that feature! a) Wave cut platform b) Wave cut notch c) Bar d) Tombolo e) Stack f) Spit 5) What is freeze thaw a type of? a) Chemical Weathering b) Physical Weathering c) Biological Weathering 6) What is the name for the distance over wind travels? a) Fetch b) Swash c) Backwash d) Prevailing wind 7) Which of the following does not have a direct influence on a headland?  a) Hydraulic Action b) Solution c) Weathering d) Abrasion e) Destructive Waves f) Attrition 8) What type of coastline is this? a) Discordant b) Concordant c) Beach d) Cliff e) Saltmarsh f) Mudflat 9) What type of feature is this? a) Lagoon b) Bar c) Spit d) Tombolo e) Cove f) Cave 10) What features are created by a coastline being discordant? a) Cove b) Headland c) Spit d) Bay e) Tombolo f) Arch


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