1) In a hospital, you _ _ _ _ be silent. a) must b) might c) could 2) My back hurts, I _ _ _ _ _ _ take a pill. a) should't b) mustn't c) have to 3) I have a sore throat, maybe I _ _ _ _ _ _ drink cough syrup. a) shouldn't b) should c) haven't 4) It is not necessary, but I _ _ _ _ _ take vitamin C. a) might b) couldn't c) must 5) I cut my finger, I _ _ _ _ _ _ put on a band-aid, it hurts! a) haven't b) have to c) may 6) You _ _ _ _ _ _ drink water every day... a) should b) must c) can't 7) To not get sunburned, I _ _ _ _ apply sunscreen. a) may b) must c) couldn't 8) You _ _ _ _ _ _ brush your teeth every day. a) might b) could c) have to 9) She _ _ _ _ _ blow her nose. a) has to b) have to c) might 10) He _ _ _ vaccinate you against covid. a) wouldn't b) might c) can 11) I _ _ _ _ brush and floss my teeth if I do not want to have cavities. a) Must b) Might c) Can 12) If I continue feeling sick, I _ _ _ _ _ call the doctor for an appointment. a) must b) could c) might


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