1) In what way are managers and leaders different? a) Managers offer a higher wage and leaders don't. b) Managers have people do work for them, leaders  have people follow them c) There is no difference. d) Leaders tell others what to do, Managers help the workers. 2) What is the main objective of an autocratic leader? a) The employees. b) Receiving feedback c) Improve productivity. d) Reduce staff wages. 3) On Robert Blakes grid, what leadership style would be 5,5? a) Central management. b) Team management. c) Middle of the road management. d) Authority/obedience management. 4) Why might an autocratic leadership style be good for employees working on a dangerous site? a) This leadership style is effective to help people keep out of harm's way. b) This leadership style allows the employees freedom. c) This management style allows the employees to be happy. d) This management style if good as employees will get paid more. 5) What is 'Laissez-faire' management style? a) Being active and supportive of staff. b) Being chilled out and making decisions themselves. c) Involving employees in company decisions. d) Being lazy, therefore staff won't receive help.

Managers, leadership and decision-making


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