1) Do you think you are a good friend? Why do you think so? Explain. 2) What could cause you to stop being someone's friend? Explain and give examples 3) Do you think having friends is important? Explain. 4) What are the pros and cons of public transportation? 5) Who had an influence on your life? Explain. 6) What would you like to teach someone younger than you? Explain. 7) What kind of music do you like/dislike? Explain why. 8) Do you think it's important to understand what a song means? Explain. 9) Can you do other things while you are listening to music? Give an example 10) Which famous person do you like? Explain why. 11) Would you like to be a famous person for a day? Explain. 12) Do you think it's important to volunteer ? Explain why or why not. 13) Do you think that teens who volunteer benefit in any way? Explain. 14) Do you think being famous is a good goal in life? Explain why or why not. 15) If you were famous, what do you think would happen to your privacy? Explain. 16) Do you like school trips? Explain and give an example what you like or don't like about it. 17) What do you think students learn by going on school trips? Explain. 18) Tell me one thing you like about summer vacations. Give an example. 19) Tell me one thing you don't like about summer vacations. Give an example. 20) Do you think everybody should be respected? Explain. 21) Do you want people to respect you? Explain. 22) Do adults give teenagers the respect they deserve? Explain 23) Do teenagers give adults the respect they deserve? Explain 24) What kind of games do you like to play? Explain. 25) Do you prefer playing games alone or with others? Explain and give examples.

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