1) How do we know a chemical reaction has taken place? a) A gas is given off b) A change in temperature c) A change in colour d) All the above 2) Two liquids were mixed together in a test tube. Which one of these would not show that a chemical reaction had taken place? a) The tube got warm. b) Bubbles of gas were given off. c) A brightly coloured solid formed in d) One of the liquids floated on top of 3) Which of these changes is a chemical reaction? a) melting some margarine in a pan b) boiling a kettle of water c) frying an egg d) cooling a drink by putting an ice cube 4) Which statement is true? a) Increasing temperature decreases reaction rate b) Increasing concentration decreases reaction rate c) Decreasing particle size increases reaction rate d) Adding a catalyst decreases reaction rate 5) Martin and Sophie did an experiment using metal and acid, shown in the picture. Which one do you think is the most reactive? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E 6) Which two statements about catalysts are true? a) They speed up chemical reactions b) They slow down chemical reactions c) They are used up during the reaction d) They are not used up during the reaction 7) Is freezing ice a chemical reaction or a physical change? a) Chemical b) Physical 8) What is the test for the presence of oxygen gas? a) Relights a glowing splint b) Bubbles are produced c) Burns with a pop


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