1) Cynyddodd £x 32%. Ei werth erbyn hyn ydi £159.06. Cyfrifwch x. £x was increased by 32% and is now worth £159.06. Calculate x. a) £120.50 b) £16.00 c) £240.00 d) £70.00 2) Cafodd Crys mewn siop ei farcio gan golur. Mae'r pris wedi ei ostwng 25%. Pris y crys erbyn hyn ydi £12. Beth oedd pris gwreiddiol y crys? A shirt is shop-soiled, so it is reduced by 25%. It is now worth £12, what was the original price? a) £12.70 b) £16.00 c) £70.00 d) £19.70 3) Gostyngodd £x 80%. Ei werth erbyn hyn ydi £3.94. Cyfrifwch x. £x was decreased by 80% and is now worth £3.94. Calculate x. a) £19.70 b) £620 c) £16.00 d) £70.00 4) Aeth teulu am bryd o fwyd. Y bil oedd £80.50. Roedd y pris hwn yn cynnwys 15% o dâl gwasanaeth. Beth oedd pris y bwyd? The bill for a meal came to £80.50 including a 15% service charge. How much was the cost of the meal alone? a) £70.00 b) £620 c) £287.50 d) £12.70 5) Mae gwerthwr yn cael 12% o godiad cyflog. Ei gyflog newydd ydi £268.80. Beth oedd ei gyflog gwreiddiol? A salesperson is offered a pay rise of 12%. He will now earn £268.80. How much money did he earn before the pay rise? a) £6.00 b) £16.00 c) £12.70 d) £240.00 6) Gostyngodd £x 18%. Ei werth erbyn hyn ydi £4.92. Cyfrifwch x. £x was decreased by 18% and is now worth £4.92. Calculate x. a) £6.00 b) £120.50 c) £620 d) £78.00 7) Mae pris camera wedi ei ostwng 5% mewn sêl. Yn y sêl mae'n costio £15.20. Beth oedd ei bris gwreiddiol? A camera is reduced by 5% in a sale. The sale price is £15.20. What was the original price? a) £12.70 b) £16.00 c) £70.00 d) £6.00 8) Cynyddodd £x 41%. Ei werth erbyn hyn ydi £109.98. Cyfrifwch x. £x was increased by 41% and is now worth £109.98. Calculate x. a) £6.00 b) £78.00 c) £19.70 d) £16.00 9) Gostyngodd £x 30%. Ei werth erbyn hyn ydi £8.89. Cyfrifwch x. £x was decreased by 30% and is now worth £8.89. Calculate x. a) £16.00 b) £287.50 c) £120.50 d) £12.70 10) Cynyddodd gwerth hen gloc 40%. Gwerth y cloc erbyn hyn ydi £112. Beth oedd gwerth gwreiddiol y cloc? An antique clock's price increases by 40%. It is now worth £112. What was it worth? a) £19.70 b) £16.00 c) £80.00 d) £240.00 11) Cynyddodd £x 3%. Ei werth erbyn hyn ydi £638.60. Cyfrifwch x. £x was increased by 3% and is now worth £638.60. Calculate x. a) £70.00 b) £78.00 c) £12.70 d) £620 12) Mae pris tocyn tymor yn gostwng 20%. Pris y tocyn erbyn hyn ydi £230.40. Beth oedd y pris gwreiddiol? A season ticket is reduced by 20%. The new price is £230.40. What was the original price? a) £120.50 b) £287.50 c) £6.00 d) £78.00


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