1) How much did it weigh? a) 1.1-3.2 tons b) 3.2-5.3 tons c) 5.3-8.8 tons d) 8.8-11.0 tons 2) What is its bony armor made of? a) Osteoderms b) Shells c) Keratin d) Cartilage 3) What is unique about Ankylosaurus teeth? a) They are serrated b) They have sharp points on the top c) They are extremely long d) They have smooth sides 4) In what period(s) did the Ankylosaurus live? a) Cretaceous b) Triassic and Jurassic c) Jurassic and Cretaceous d) Triassic e) Jurassic 5) What does the name Ankylosaurus mean? a) Ankle lizard b) Stiff lizard c) Bent lizard d) Bony lizard 6) Ankylosaurus lived on which prehistoric continent? a) Laurasia b) Appalachia c) Gondwana d) Pangea e) Laramidia 7) Which of these dinosaurs would not have lived with the Ankylosaurus? a) Triceratops b) Dakotaraptor c) Baryonyx d) Edmontosaurus 8) What kind of plants did it eat? a) Grasses b) Shrub leaves c) Ferns d) All of the above 9) When was the first Ankylosaurus fossil discovered? a) 1856 b) 1872 c) 1898 d) 1906 10) Which of these is a species of Ankylosaurus? a) A. fragilis b) A. osborni c) A. mongoliensis d) A. armatus e) A. magniventris 11) What kind of dinosaur is the Ankylosaurus? a) Hadrosaur b) Ankylosaur c) Ceratopsian d) Lambeosaur

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