1) When is Halloween celebrated? a) 28th October b) 31st October c) 1st November d) 31st September 2) Halloween comes from a) Ireland b) France c) Hungary d) Sweden 3) What is jack-o-lantern? a) a brown horse b) a black cat c) a giant bat d) a carved pumpkin 4) What place can be haunted on Halloween? a) a school b) a hospital c) a house d) a shop 5) Where to children go on Halloween night? a) From door to door in the neighborhood b) From class to class at school c) Visit the friends and family d) Watch the ghosts in the cemetery 6) What do children wear? a) suits and dress b) costumes c) school uniform d) pyjamas 7) What do witches fly on? a) bats b) ravens c) planes d) brooms 8) 'Trick or treat' is about a) singing at people's houses b) watching scary movies c) asking for candies d) writing a test 9) What do you put in a jack-o-lantern? a) a candle b) a bell c) toys d) food 10) The secret letter is a) U b) u

Halloween quiz (H7)


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