actores - actress, actoresau - actresses, athrawes - teacher (benywaidd), athrawesau - teachers (benywaidd), drama - drama, play, dramâu - dramas, plays, fflat - flat, fflatiau - flats, gorsaf - station, gorsafoedd - stations, munud - minute, munudau - minutes, nyrs - nurse, nyrsys - nurses, pobl - people, rheolwraig - manager (benywaidd), actor - actor, actorion - actors, athro - teacher (gwrywaidd), athrawon - teachers, bachgen - boy, bechgyn - boys, camera - camera, camerâu - cameras, cogydd - (a) cook, cogyddion - cooks, cyngerdd - concert, cyngerddau - concerts, derbynnydd - recepeptionist, gwesty - hotel, gwestai - hotels, maes parcio - car park, meddyg - doctor, meddygon - doctors, pennaeth - head (person), plismon - policeman, plismyn - poicemen, rheolwr - manager , rheolwyr - managers, rhywun - someone, tocyn - ticket, tocynnau - tickets, adolygu - to revise, benthyg - to borrow, to lend, cadw - to keep, ffonio - to phone, gofyn - to ask, siarad (â) - to talk, to speak (with), talu - to pay, allan / ma's - out, ar gael - available, mewn - in a,

Geirfa Uned 08 - Mynediad, Cymraeg i Oedolion (f.2, De)


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