A ____ is a sculpture (usually 3D) that lights up. Most modern lanterns are constructed for their aesthetic qualities and are used as ____, or in celebrations across the world, such as ____ New Year and Diwali – The ____ Festival of ____. The ____ of a structure is what the lantern will sit on. It supports the majority of the lantern’s ____ and therefore needs to be ____ and stable. It can be a variety of shapes. Willow is strong and ____ and therefore it can be easily ____ in a variety of ways. To manipulate and join this material to create a ____ structure, you can tie an ____ around the ends of the willow to ____ them together. When fixing a ____ to give the structure more ____, you will need to wrap masking tape around both pieces of ____ to join them ____. How to use a ____ saw safely to cut the willow: Before cutting the willow, use a pencil to draw a ____ to cut along. This will be your guide. To safely use the coping saw, ____ hold the wood in a ____. If you are right-handed, hold the saw in your right hand and the wood with your left. If you are left handed, do the opposite! Place the saw's central ____ on the line to be cut and push the saw ____ from you in a short stroke to start the cut. Continue to cut, pushing and ____ firmly but ____. Go slower when the saw is almost all the way though so the wood doesn’t ____. For safety, keep ____ and other objects away from the sharp teeth.

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