1) - Madam, this is your order a) - Thank you b) - Here you are c) - Anything else? d) - Goodbye 2) - Are you ready to order? a) - There you go b) - Yes, can I have a chicken, please? c) - Good morning d) - Thank you 3) - How much is it? a) - It are 5 dollars b) - They are 5 dollars c) - It is 5 dollars d) - They is 5 dollars 4) - Anything to drink? a) - Yes, chicken, please b) - Yes, tea, please c) - Yes, I am ready to order d) - Here you are 5) - Can I have water? a) - Here you are! b) - How much is it? c) - Yes, thank you d) - Goodbye

Practical English. At a cafe (quiz)



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