ace inhibitor - first line if patient is <55y old and white, calcium channel - first line 'blocker' if patient is >55 y old or afrocarribean, ten percent - The Qrisk3 risk score above which you would start medication for stage 1 hypertension, angiotensin receptor - swap to this blocker if there are side effects with an ACE inhibitor, thiazidelikediuretic - alternative to a calcium channel blocker, or third line treatment. Often used preferentially if there is evidence of heart failure, compliance - whenever moving up a treatment stage, you should always check this, ambulatory readings - check this if surgery readings are high, white coat - type of 'hypertension' where readings are much higher in a hospital or GP surgery setting, cough - main side effect from ace inhibitor, swollen ankles - main side effect from calcium channel blocker, ramipril - commonly used ace inhibitor, amlodipine - commonly used calcium channel blocker, indapamide - the most commonly used thiazide-like diuretic,


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