1) Which words use "geo" as a root meaning earth? a) geography b) outrageous c) aged d) changeover e) courageous f) geology 2) Which words use "aqua" as a root referring to water? a) plaque b) aquarium c) aquatic d) opaque e) aqueduct f) alter 3) Which words use "astr" as a root referring to outer space? a) astronomy b) catastrophy c) pastry d) astronaut e) astrology f) master 4) Which words use "cav" as a root meaning empty? a) concave b) cavity c) scavenger d) excavate e) carbonate f) dedicate 5) An astronomer is someone who studies what? a) water b) caves c) the earth d) stars and planets e) people f) animals 6) An aqueduct is used to carry what? a) earth b) water c) people d) animals e) rocks f) dirt 7) Geography is the study of what? a) stars and planets b) water c) history d) the earth e) animals f) people 8) Cavities are areas which are what? a) full of water b) full of dirt c) hollow d) solid e) jutting out f) in space

Roots: aqua, geo, astro, cav Maze Chase


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