Light source - Must be identified to enable correct shadowing. , Shading - Applied to an object to create a shadow on the opposite side to a light source. , Blended shading - Shade darker on the edges furthest from the light source and lighter towards the side closest to the light source. , Foreshortening - Is distorting an object to create the illusion that one part of it is closer to your eye than another. , Size - The way an object is drawn. , Overlapping - Drawing an object in front of another to create the visual illusion that it is closer to your eye. , Illusion - Drawing in a way that creates a deceptive appearance or impression. , Vertical lines - Lines that run up and down the page. , Horizontal lines - Lines that run left to right across the page. , Guide lines - Determines the position of parts of the sketch in relation to others. , Tapering - Drawing in a way that makes an object become gradually smaller towards the end. , Contour curving shading - The technique which produces an outline. , Defining wisps - A light strand to create definition. , Reflection - The direction of light. , Radiate - Diverge as if from a central point. ,

Sketching - Human Face vocabulary


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