Keller: He was accused of selling......., Keller: He has a court paper to prove that......., Keller: He says that Steve made a mistake, but he isn't a ........, Keller: He wasn't at the plant when Steve......, Kate: She can't accept the idea that...................., Kate: She dreamed that....................., She is convinced that Ann is.........................., She says it was too soon to plant......................................, Kate: At the end of Act One she feels threatened by......., Chris: He tells his dad that he won't take over the business if....., Chris: During the war, he was in command of..................., Chris: When he came home from the war, he felt ashamed because....., Chris: He is convinced that his brother............................, Larry: he was reported..................................... on November 25th., Larry: He was Ann's ...................................., Larry: He was a pilot, but he never flew a , Ann: She almost......................................two years ago., Ann: She didn't get married because ..............................., Ann: She believes that her father..............., George: He works as a ........................................, George: He went to Columbus, Ohio, to visit..., George: He phones Ann from..................., He is planning to take the seven o'clock train to see...................................................

All My Sons: Act 1


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