Drag and drop the right job GRANJERO ____ Drag and drop the right job ENFERMERO ____ Drag and drop the right job AGENTE DE POLICÍA ____ Drag and drop the right job BOMBERO ____ Drag and drop the right job TAXISTA ____ Drag and drop the right job COCINERO ____ Drag and drop the right job CANTANTE ____ Drag and drop the right job CAJERO ____ Drag and drop the right job DEPENDIENTE ____ Drag and drop the right job VETERINARIO ____ Drag and drop the right job ALBAÑIL ____ Drag and drop the right job POLÍTICO ____ Drag and drop the right job ARQUITECTO ____ Drag and drop the right job ELECTRICISTA ____ Drag and drop the right job MÚSICO ____ Drag and drop the right job MAESTRO ____ Drag and drop the right job BIBLIOTECARIO ____ Drag and drop the right job CONSERJE ____ Drag and drop the right job BANQUERO ____ Drag and drop the right job INGENIERO ____ Drag and drop the right job CARNICERO ____ Drag and drop the right job CAMARERA ____ Drag and drop the right job CAMARERO ____ Drag and drop the right job PANADERO ____ Drag and drop the right job PERIODISTA ____ Drag and drop the right job FONTANERO ____ Drag and drop the right job BARBERO ____ Drag and drop the right job CARPINTERO ____ Drag and drop the right job PELUQUERO ____ Drag and drop the right job PINTOR ____ Drag and drop the right job ESCRITOR ____ Drag and drop the right job OFICINISTA ____ Drag and drop the right job LIMPIADOR ____ Drag and drop the right job CARTERO ____ Drag and drop the right job JARDINERO ____ Drag and drop the right job OBISPO ____ Drag and drop the right job MONJA ____ Drag and drop the right job SACERDOTE ____ Drag and drop the right job ENTRENADOR ____ Drag and drop the right job MODELO ____ Drag and drop the right job EJECUTIVO ____ Drag and drop the right job PILOTO ____ Drag and drop the right job ACTOR ____ Drag and drop the right job ACTRIZ ____ Drag and drop the right job DENTISTA ____ Drag and drop the right job GRANJERO ____ Drag and drop the right job PROFESOR ____ Drag and drop the right job DISEÑADOR DE WEBS ____ Drag and drop the right job DISEÑADOR DE MODA ____ Drag and drop the right job MARINERO ____ Drag and drop the right job MÉDICO ____ Drag and drop the right job ARTÍSTA ____ Drag and drop the right job ASTRONAUTA ____ Drag and drop the right job ABOGADO ____ Drag and drop the right job SOLDADO ____



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