'The dove pulled freely against the sky' - POPPIES symbolises Peace, Hope, Freedom, 'spits like a tame cat turned savage' - STORM ON THE ISLAND shows that nature can betray us, 'every face I meet/Marks of weakness, marks of woe' - LONDON symbolises how collectively downtrodden the people are - helpless, 'on individual war graves' - POPPIES symbolises the human cost of conflict, each grave holds a person, 'I gave commands' - MY LAST DUCHESS shows the power is in the Duke's hands, 'his blood-shadow stays on the street' - REMAINS shows the power of memory and lasting effect of conflict, as if she ranked my gift of a nine-hundred years old name/ With anybody's gift  - MY LAST DUCHESS shows the power of status and class, 'Theirs not to reason why/ Theirs but to do and die'  - CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE shows the power of duty/patriotism, 'And the drink and the drugs won’t flush him out' - REMAINS shows the impact of conflict and power of memory, 'We are bombarded with the empty air' - STORM ON THE ISLAND shows the conflict between man and nature, 'Then all smiles stopped together. There she stands as if alive' - MY LAST DUCHESS shows the power of the Duke - did he have her killed?, 'Honour the Light Brigade, Noble six hundred!' - CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE portrays war and conflict as noble and honourable, 'Dem tell me what dem want to tell me' - CHECKIN OUT ME HISTORY  shows the power of the ruling class to dictate history, 'Sleep, and he’s probably armed, possibly not.' - REMAINS shows inner conflict, 'Mind-forged manacles' - LONDON shows the power of the mind to imprison itself ,

Power and Conflict Poetry match-up 1


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