Why does Barney first go to the chalk pit? - He is a bit bored at his grandmother's., How does Barney first discover 'The Thing' (later called Stig)? - He slips into the chalk pit and falls through the roof of Stig's shelter., When Barney's legs are all tied up with creepers and vines, what does Stig use to free them? - He sharpens a flint and cuts through them easily., Where does Stig live? What details can you remember? - He lives in a cave at the bottom of the chalk pit. He has a lamp made from an old teapot, and collects water through an old vacuum cleaner pipe., What do Grandma and Lou think about Stig? - They assume he is an imaginary friend., What is the first present that Barney brings Stig? - He brings a bunch of carrots and lowers them on string., Why is Stig digging at his cave wall? - He is making it bigger by hauling the chalk out after digging., What else does Barney bring Stig? - He brings some old tin cans and jam jars., What do they do with these? - Stig joins all the cans and Barney makes it into a chimney. The jam jars are stacked in a crate to make a window., When Barney comes back after Christmas, what has happened to Stig. - He has caught a cold and the cave is very cold and damp.,

Stig of the Dump - recap ch's 1-3


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