Does your family speak other languages?, Why do you want to continue to work on your English?, Are you still interested in learning new things?, Do you understand all the phrasal verbs we've studied?, Which movie do you want to see?, Which other languages do you want to learn?, Have you ever done something dangerous? , Where did you go last weekend?, Where were you born?, Have you ever gone skiing or snowboarding?, What have you been reading lately?, Have you been watching the news recently?, When were you proud of yourself?, Have you ever found yourself in a hard situation?, When have you stayed up all night?, In your opinion, should doctors get paid a lot of money?, Are you excited to continue your studies?, Why do you think people want to try out the new iPhone 12?, When have you been on a plane in the last few years?, Have you been thinking about what to study next?, Where are you planning to take your next vacation?, Which phrasal verbs have you been using when you speak English?, In your opinion, should you learn more than two languages at the same time?, Were you able to keep up with the assignments in our class?  , Has the vocabulary we learned in class sunk in for you yet?, Do you think Trump will leave the White House when he's supposed to?, Do you think Joe Biden will be a successful president?, What do you think will happen in the U.S. when Joe Biden is president?, Before the COVID pandemic started, what had you planned to do this year?, How many times had you watched a TED Talk before you started this class?, What had you never eaten before you moved to the United States?, Who had already gotten up in your house when you woke up this morning?, What have you missed out on because of COVID?, What do you have to do after our course ends?, What had you been doing when you started this course?, What was the best idea you ever came up with?, What do you shy away from doing now that COVID cases are increasing again?, In your opinion, what does success as a student come down to?, What is something relaxing you do when you are stressed?, In your opinion, who is the most audacious person alive today?, Do you think a woman could be president of the United States?, What are some things you might do to celebrate the holidays?, Who are your favorite clothes made by?, Which social media is used most in your country?, What is your favorite painting? Who was it painted by?, What TV series have you been watching that you would recommend?, What have you been doing this year to improve yourself?, What three pieces of advice would you give to someone younger than you?, What should you do to continue improving your English?, What would you tweak about your country or the U.S. to make it better?.


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