1) When you suffer from bronchitis, you ... a lot. a) cough b) sneeze 2) Otitis causes intense ... .  a) backache b) earrache 3) Conjunctivitis, is an ... infection.  a) eye b) ear 4) If you have appendictis, your ... hurts badly and you need surgery.  a) stomach b) head 5) Pneumonia is an inflammation of the ... . a) liver b) lungs 6) Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious ... disease, from which many poor people, incl. some famous artists, died in the 19th century. a) lung b) heart 7) If you hit your ... , you may suffer from concussion. a) elbow b) head 8) Many types of cancer are cause by ... . a) smoking b) drinking 9) Chicken pox is a childhood disease which causes a ... on the whole body. a) rash b) swelling 10) Mumps is a childhood disease which makes your ... swell and hurt. a) neck and face b) arms and legs


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