: We are playing really well, it's 3-1. If we win, ___., The film starts at 6.30. If we don't leave now, _____., There are a lot of things I want to buy. If I don't have enough money, ____., We don't have any sandwiches for the trip. If we are hungry later, ____. , We really need a holiday. If we can get a cheap flight, _____., It' getting late. If we don't go to the supermarket now, ____. , It's going to be really cold tonight. If it snows, _____. , I can't see my car keys anywhere. If I don't find them, ____. , That exam was really hard. If I don't pass it, ____., You look tired. If you don't want to _____., Dad is working late today. If he doesn't finish work before 9pm, ____., We are at the station, waiting for Dave. If he doesn't come soon, ____., I've bought a lot of food for the party. If we don't eat it all, ___., The teacher has just told us the date of the exam. If you don't write it down, ____., I know you don't like Anne, and I don't think she is coming to the party. If she comes, ____,

1st conditional. Finish the sentence.


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