A friend tells you someone said something bad about you , Your parent/guardian yells at you after you accidentally broke something of theirs, An older man is moving slowly across the street and struggling to carry his groceries , Your teacher gives an assignment but you don'y know where to start, Another student bullies you by calling you a name, You find a open bag of chips that is full , You're assigned to do a group activity and a kid who everyone doesn't like is assigned to the same group, A friend tells you that vaping is safe and encourages you to try it, You enter a store that has a lot of people in it and you are not sure where to go, You feel too shy to talk in class and ask a question of the teacher, You want to see your friends in person on the weekend, You see that your friend has tears in his eyes , Your teacher needs you to follow along but you are bored and losing interest in being in the class, You came to class late and don't know what is going on.


Spin the wheel is an open-ended template. It does not generate scores for a leaderboard.

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