1) She sings ........... a) beautiful b) beautifully 2) She has a ........................ voice. a) beautiful b) beautifully 3) He is a ............................ driver. a) careful b) carefully 4) He drives.......................... a) careful b) carefully 5) She speaks................ a) quiet b) quietly 6) She is a very .................. student. a) quiet b) quietly 7) I did the test.............. a) bad b) badly 8) She sings really............... a) goood b) well 9) He moves so...............! a) slow b) slowly 10) She jumped..... a) happy b) happily 11) My dog is very ................ a) happy b) happily 12) The test was really ....................! a) easy b) easily 13) I wrote the test ....................... a) easy b) easily

English Class A2 Unit 4 (Adjective or Adverb)


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