1) There are verbs that you have to add "ED" at the end to change to past form. a) Irregular verbs b) Regular verbs 2) There are verbs that change their form on there past form. a) Irregulars verbs b) Regular verbs 3) She _________ her diary in 1942. a) Created b) Wrote 4) _________ you go a school every week ? a) Did b) Do c) Does d) Were 5) Did you __________ in your notebook ? a) Wrote b) Write c) Writed d) Made 6) When the verb finish in "E" add ______. a) "D" b) "IED" 7) When the verb finish in _____ change wiht " ied" a) "E" b) "Y" 8) What is the past of Play ? a) Playied b) Played 9) What is the past of verb To Be? a) Was / Were b) Beed c) Are/ Is / Am

Verbs in Past


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