To be - Ser, estar, Become - Tornar-se, Begin - Começar, Blow - Soprar, Break - Quebrar, Bring - Trazer, Build - Construir, Buy - Comprar, Catch - Pegar, Choose - Escolher, Come - Vir, Cut - Cortar, Deal - Negociar, Do / does - Fazer, Drink - Beber, Drive - Dirigir, Eat - Comer, Fall - Cair, Feed - Alimentar, Feel - Sentir, Fight - Lutar, Find - Encontrar, Fly - Voar, Forbid - Proibir, Forget - Esquecer, Freeze - Congelar, Get - Pegar, Give - Dar, Go / goes - Ir, Grow - Crescer, Have / has - Ter, Hear - Ouvir, Hide - Esconder, Hold - Segurar, Hurt - Ferir, Keep - Manter, Know - Saber,

Irregular Verbs - 1st column (DUKE IDIOMAS)


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