Be - Was Been, Become - Became Become, Begin - Began Begun, Blow - Blew Blown, Break - Broke Broken, Bring - Brought Brought, Build - Built Built, Buy - Bought Bought, Catch - Caught Caught, Choose - Chose Choses, Come - Came Come, Cut - Cut Cut, Deal - Dealt Dealt, Do / does - Did Done, Drink - Drank Drunk, Drive - Drove Driven, Eat - Ate Eaten, Fall - Fell Fallen, Feed - Fed Fed, Feel - Felt Felt, Fight - Fought Fought, Find - Found Found, Fly - Flew Flown, Forbid - Forbade Forbidden, Forget - Forgot Forgotten, Freeze - Froze Frozen, Get - Got Gotten, Give - Gave Given, Go / goes - Went Gone, Grow - Grew Grown, Have / has - Had Had, Hear - Heard Heard, Hide - Hid Hidden, Hold - Held Held, Hurt - Hurt Hurt, Keep - Kept Kept, Know - Knew Known,

Irregular verbs - 1st column (past and partciple - Flash Cards)


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