1) Cardiac Muscle is a) Unique to the heart b) Occurs in the arms c) Occurs in the legs d) Controlled involuntarily e) Responsible for pumping blood through the heart chambers f) Controlled Voluntarily 2) Skeletal Muscle is a) Located in the digestive system b) Controlled voluntarily c) Attached to bones via tendons d) Striated e) Controlled involuntarily f) Unique to the heart 3) Smooth Muscle is a) Concerned with movements of internal organs b) Muscle that contracts in peristaltic motions c) Striated d) Controlled involuntarily e) Controlled voluntarily f) Attached to bones via tendons 4) The agonist in the upwards phase of this would be... a) Bicep Brachii b) Tricep Brachii c) Abdominals d) Rectus Femoris 5) The antagonist in the upwards phase of this would be... a) Trapezius b) Bicep Brachii c) Deltoids d) Tricep Brachii 6) A synergist is a) A muscle that contracts to produce movement b) The opposite muscle that relaxes to allow agonist to contract c) A muscle that assists agonist (in sync) d) Muscle that fixes joints in position

Muscle types and antogonistic pairs quiz


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