allele - A single, distinct version of a gene. , chromosome - A structure made of DNA that contains the genetic information in the form of genes needed to carry out cell functions., codominance - A form of allele interaction where both alleles are dominant and are expressed equally in the phenotype; may result in a spotted or mottled appearance. , crossing over - The exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during meiosis; contributes to genetic variation. , dihybrid cross - A genetic cross between two parents that are each heterozygous for alternative alleles of two dominant-recessive traits., gametes - Cells that contain half the total number of chromosomes for an organism; sex cells like egg and sperm. , genotype - The genetic makeup of an organism , Gregor Mendel - AN Austrian monk and botanist who established key principles for the study of genetics; the father of genetics. , heterozygous - A condition where an individual possesses two different alleles of a gene. , homozygous - A gene combination that is one in which an individual possesses two identical alleles. , monohybrid cross - A mating between individuals that have different alleles of a single gene. , phenotype - The physical expression of a gene or set of genes; the appearance of an organism. , Punnett Square - A tool used to analyze the possible allele combinations of the offspring between two individuals. , sex-linked - inheritance pattern included alleles found on the X and Y chromosomes. , recessive gene - The inherited characteristics that is expressed only when no other character is present., incomplete dominance - An inheritance pattern with a genotype for a heterozygous individual that is different than the dominant or recessive allele genotype. ,


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