75m sprint: Running as ____ as you can from the start until the finish 600m: ____ race meaning you can’t sprint the entire race. You need to ____ your race so that you don’t get too tired too quickly but have still run as fast as you can. ____ Changeover - Passing the ____ to the next runner is a vital aspect of a relay race. The next runner needs to be ____ when the changeover is made. This allows the runner get to their top ____ quicker and will finish the race in a faster time. Howler Throw: ____ throw trying to ____ the howler as far as possible. A ____ or bent arm technique can be used. Running Long Jump: Using a run up for ____, taking off on ____ foot and ____ on two. This is usually done into a sand pit. Officiating each other is vitally important in athletics, this shows a good ____ and demonstration of both ____ and ____ Communication — giving clear instructions or ____ Being an officials needs personal skills such as ____ and ____ are also important when officiating.




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