Nawafil - Extra acts of worship, sincerity - the quality of being honest or genuine, The Arabic word for worship is..... - Ibadah, What are the two main categories of worship - Obligatory,a.Recommended b. Extra acts of worship (Nawafil) , List the four Obligatory act of worship - five daily prayers, Juma prayer, fasting in Ramadan,Hajj , Why Muslims would perform all acts of worship only to Allah? - Because He is alone deserves to be worship and only Allah will reward the people who worship Him alone, recommended acts of worship, such as: - Extra prayers, charity,fasting, Thikr, How would a Muslim benefit from Allah's generosity in the judgment Day? - By worshiping Him sincerely and not showing of., According to the hadith of the the Prophet peace and blessing be upon him to Muaath ibnu Jabal, What is the right of Allah over His servants? - To worship Allah and not associate anything with Him.,


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