Belief in angels is the____ pillar of Iman.Angels are created from ____. They are neither male nor ____. Allah has given the angels specific ____ to perform. Angels always ____ Allah's command. There are few angels that are mentioned in the Quran and ____. Some of the angels that are known mention 2 of them 1. ____ 2. Mikaa'eel 3. ____ 4. Maalik ____ in ____ book is the third pillar of Iman. Muslim firmly believe in all the ____ books. Among the books revealed by Allah are the ____, ____, and the ____. The ____ is the last book that was revealed by Allah. Not a single word has been deleted from or added to the Quran Allah promised that He would ____ the Quran. The fourth pillar of Iman is ____ in all of Allah's ____. The messengers were ____ people who were____ by Allah to educate the people in their religion. The messengers ____ the message of ____ perfectly. The fifth pillar of Iman is belief in the ____On that day Allah will ____ everything. Then He will resurrect them and bring them to account for their ____. The duration of day of judgement will be ____dyears. Deeds will be ____ and the one who's good deeds are heavier than thier baddeeds will enter Paradise. The one who's bad deeds ____ the good deeds will enter hell. It will be difficult day for all ____ for those who have truly believed in Allah. The 6th pillars of Islam is to believe in ____.If believers have a good experience they should ____ Allah and if they have a bad experience they should be ____. Rejecting Qader means ____ what Allah has planned. Muslims should not question Allah's ____ they should be contented with what Allah has ____.


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