1) Partition a rectangle into fourths. 2) Each part represents _____ of the whole circle. 3) What fraction of the circle is shaded? 4) What fraction of the circle is not shaded? 5) What is a fraction that is equivalent to 3/6? Draw a model to show.  6) Partition a number line in eighths. Label each section with a fraction. 7) What fraction is shown on the number line? 8) Which letter represents 1 whole on the number line? 9) Put 3/4, 2/6, and 4/8 on a number line. Which fraction is equivalent to 1/2? 10) Which fractions are equivalent? 11) Draw a region model to represent a fraction that is equivalent to 2/8. 12) Use a symbol to compare the fractions. Show your work. 13) Use a symbol to compare the fractions. Show your work.


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