Hitler became German Chancellor …. - January 1933, What Hitler ordered in 1933 - Germany to leave the League, It took place in 1935 - Freedom to rearm rally, Austrian Chancellor - Dolfuss, Year of attempted Anschluss - 1934, Living Space - Lebensraum, What historian AJP Taylor called Hitler - Opportunist, German Historian Andreas Hillgruber Said Hitler… - …had a stufenplan (step by step plan), In 1935 the German army went from 100,000 to? - 500,000, Conscription was introduced in Germany in 1935 - True, The Anglo-German Naval agreement meant…. - German navy increased + it had U-boats, Event that distracted world attention away from German rearmament - Italy’s invasion of Abyssinia , In January 1935, 90% of the population of the Saar - Voted to be part of Germany, Date of Rhineland remilitarisation - March 1936, What British politician Lord Lothian stated after the Rhineland remilitarisation - Germany was only going into her own backyard, Why France did not respond to Germany remilitarising the Rhineland - Thought German army was bigger than it was, How many German troops remilitarised the Rhineland ? - 22,000, French defensive rampart - Maginot Line, Agreement between Hitler and Mussolini - July 1936 - Rome- Berlin Axis, Alliance between Germany and Japan - November 1936 - Anti-Comintern Pact,

German Foreign Policy - 1933 to 36


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