1) CNS stands for... a) Central Nervous System b) Central Neural System c) Centralised Nervous System 2) The peripheral nervous system consists of... a) The brain and spinal cord b) All other nervous tissue 3) A ________ is a change in the environment a) Effector b) Stimulus c) Sense organ 4) The cell that detects a change in the environment a) Effector b) Sense organ c) Iris d) Receptor 5) Type of neurone that transmits messages from the receptor cell to the CNS a) Motor Neurone b) Sensory Neurone c) Relay Neurone 6) Type of neurone that transmits messages from the CNS to the effector a) Motor neurone b) Sensory neurone c) Relay neurone 7) Type of neurone only found in the CNS a) Relay neurone b) Motor neurone c) Sensory neurone 8) Muscle or gland that carries out the response a) Synapse b) Response c) Effector 9) The gap between neurones a) Ciliary Body b) Motor c) Synapse d) Effector 10) Electrical insulator that surrounds the axon of a neurone a) Dendrites b) Myelin Sheath c) Axon d) Medulla 11) Electrical impulses cannot cross the gap between neurones, instead _________ are released a) Cornea b) Chemicals c) Electrical impulses d) Retina 12) An automatic and quick response to a stimulus is called a a) Response b) Reflex c) Retina d) Receptor cell 13) Part of the eye that protects the eye and bends light into the eye a) Iris b) Pupil c) Retina d) Cornea 14) Ring of coloured muscle that controls the size of the pupil a) Ciliary Body b) Iris c) Pupil d) Cerebellum 15) Focuses light onto the retina a) Retina b) Iris c) Lens d) Pupil 16) Attached to the suspensory ligaments, work together to alter the shape of the lens a) Iris b) Ciliary Body c) Optic Nerve d) Lens 17) Light sensitive part of the eye that contains receptor cells a) Retina b) Iris c) Cornea d) Ciliary body 18) Carries impulses from the receptors in the eye to the brain a) Femoral nerve b) Ulnar nerve c) Optic Nerve d) Ciliary Body 19) Part of the brain responsible for consciousness, intelligence, memory and language a) Cerebellum b) Pituitary Gland c) Cerebrum d) Medulla 20) Part of the brain responsible for maintaining body temperature a) Pituitary Gland b) Medulla c) Hypothalamus d) Cerebrum 21) A gland in the brain that produces many hormones a) Pituitary Gland b) Medulla c) Hypothalamus d) Ciliary Body 22) Part of the brain which controls unconscious activities like breathing and your heart rate a) Pituitary Gland b) Effector c) Medulla d) Cerebellum 23) Part of the brain responsible for muscle coordination a) Cerebellum b) Medulla c) Hypothalamus d) Pituitary Gland 24) The endocrine system consists of a) Glands b) Hormones c) Glands and hormones 25) Hormones are a) Electrical impulses b) Chemical messengers 26) The adrenal glands release a) Thyroxine b) Adrenaline c) Oestrogen d) Progesterone 27) What part of the blood do hormones travel in? a) Plasma b) Platelets c) White blood cells d) Red blood cells 28) What is homeostasis? a) Maintaining a constant external environment b) Maintaining temperature c) Maintaining a constant internal environment d) Maintaining a water balance in the blood 29) Hormones affect all cells a) True b) False




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