1) przybyć a) come back b) get off (the bus) c) get out of (the car) d) arrive 2) wrócić a) get off (the bus) b) leave c) come back d) get on (the bus) 3) wsiąść (do samochodu) a) leave b) get in (the car) c) get out of (the car) d) get on (the bus) 4) wsiąść (do autobusu) a) get on (the bus) b) land c) get in (the car) d) take off 5) wysiąść (z samochodu) a) get out of (the car) b) get in (the car) c) set off d) get on (the bus) 6) wysiąść (z autobusu) a) leave b) arrive c) get off (the bus) d) come back 7) wylądować a) land b) get off (the bus) c) get in (the car) d) come back 8) wyjechać a) come back b) leave c) get in (the car) d) arrive 9) wyruszyć a) take off b) set off c) come back d) get in (the car) 10) wystartować a) get off (the bus) b) take off c) set off d) get on (the bus)

Unit 3 - Travel verbs - Brainy 7


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