1) wysoki a) far b) How wide is it? c) tall d) How long is it? 2) szeroki a) tall b) wide c) How long is it? d) How far away is it? 3) daleki a) far b) long c) How tall is it? d) wide 4) długi a) long b) How far away is it? c) tall d) How wide is it? 5) Jakie to wysokie? a) How wide is it? b) How long is it? c) How far away is it? d) How tall is it? 6) Jakie to szerokie? a) tall b) far c) How wide is it? d) How tall is it? 7) Jakie to długie? a) How long is it? b) How far away is it? c) How wide is it? d) long 8) Jak to daleko? a) long b) tall c) How far away is it? d) far

Gold Sparks 3, unit 4 (miary) quiz


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