The epithelial cells lining the proximal convoluted tubule have microvilli to increase surface area for co transport proteins, ...infolded basement membranes to increase surface area for channel proteins and sodium pumps..., ...and lots of mitochondria to generate ATP to actively transport sodium out of the cells into the tissue fluid., The active transport of sodium out of cell creates a low concentration of sodium inside the cell compared to the glomerular filtrate., Sodium from the filtrate enters the epithelial cell via facilitated diffusion through a co-transport protein that also moves glucose or an amino acid through the microvilli into the cell., The build up of glucose (or amino acids) inside the cell sets up a diffusion gradient and glucose exits the cell and enters the blood through a channel protein by facilitated diffusion., As long as blood glucose levels are controlled, all the glucose will be reabsorbed, back into the blood by the time the filtrate has passed through the PCT.,

Reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule


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