1) Which of the following words is an example of derived adjective? a) smooth b) bookish c) huge d) long 2) Choose the appropriate descriptive adjective to complete the sentence. "The ____________ sky looks beautiful today." a) cold b) tiny c) round d) blue 3) Which is the limiting adjective in the sentence? "You can use that spoon to stir the mashed potato." a) use b) stir c) that d) potato 4) What is the proper adjective of the proper noun Ireland? a) Irelandic b) Irelandish c) Irish d) Ireland 5) What is the proper adjective of the proper noun Pennsylvania? a) Pennsylvanic b) Pennsylvanish c) Pennsylvanian d) Pennsyl 6) Complete the sentence with correct adjective form of the word in parentheses according to the denoted degree. "The whether in Kenya is _____________ (hot) than in Italy." a) hottest b) more hot c) hot d) hotter 7) Choose the correct adverb to complete the sentence. "She walked up to her best friend and __________ patted him on the shoulder." a) loudly b) calmly c) hungrily d) early 8) Identify the adverb of time used in the sentence. "She'd already gone when we got here." a) already b) when c) got d) here 9) Which of the following adjectives are in the correct order to describe the given noun? a) two green pretty fountain b) three wise old kings c) yellow three fragrant roses d) some thai delicious food 10) Which of the following adjectives are in the correct order to describe the given noun? a) old big English sheepdog b) young American enormous players c) beautiful old Italian car d) hat square wooden boxes


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