1) What are some good choices for spending time at home? a) fighting with my siblings b) reading a book c) playing PS4 all of the time d) going for a walk e) drinking soda all day f) playing with a pet 2) What are some fun outdoor activities to do? a) riding a skateboard b) eating dirt c) taking out the trash d) playing tag or capture the flag e) cleaning dog poop f) riding my bike 3) How can you get in shape? a) eating a bag of Takis b) do your favorite workout video c) eat candy d) play your "Just Dance" game e) lay on the couch all-day f) play your favorite sport 4) What's a healthy meal you can cook during social distancing? a) Chicken Salad  b) McDonald's c) Fruit smoothie d) Fruit salad e) Turkey wrap f) coffee 5) How can you get good grades during social distanced learning? a) Say rude things to your teacher b) Come to class every day c) Communicate with teacher during your class d) Complete all of the assignments e) Never attend class f) Never turn on camera


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