1) Mógłbyś mi pomóc? a) Could you help me? b) Can you help me? c) Can't you help me? 2) Potrafiłem grać w tenisa, kiedy byłem dzieckiem a) I can play tennis when I was a child b) I could play tennis when I is a child c) I could play tennis when I was a child 3) Ona potrafiła szybko biegać a) She can run very fast b) She could run very fast c) She couldn't run very fast 4) Mogłabym zostać tu na zawsze a) I can stay here forever b) I could stay here forever c) I couldn't to stay here forever 5) Mogę tu zostać na zawsze a) I can stay here forever b) I could stay here forever c) I could to stay here forever 6) Nie moglibyśmy tego zrobić a) We could do it b) We can't do it c) We couldn't do it


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