1) A person who likes and enjoys parties is ... a) a party animal b) a party pooper c) a guest 2) You blow them when it's your birthday ... a) balloons b) candles c) tinsel 3) A person who spoils a party is ... a) a party pooper b) a party animal c) the host 4) A person who organizes, gives or throws a party is ... a) the guest b) the host c) the party pooper 5) You give this to guests when the party finishes.  a) candles b) a birthday invitation c) a souvenir 6) When people get married they often give a ... a) farewell party b) wedding party c) housewarming party 7) A party in or around a swimming pool is ... People wear shorts and swimsuits. a) a pyjama party b) a wedding party c) a pool party 8) Guests spend the night together at this party. a) a pyjama party b) a housewarming party c) a farewell party 9) People who are invited to a party are the ... a) hosts b) party poopers c) guests 10) A party to celebrate moving into a new house is a ...  a) a wedding b) a farewel party c) a housewarming party 11) Typical of birthday parties a) tinsel b) noisemakers c) balloons 12) You give one to the birthday person. a) a balloon b) a souvenir c) a present 13) You put the candles on it and blow them. a) a birthday cake b) a birthday invitation c) a birthday card 14) I had an accident yesterday. ......... it was not necessary to go to the hospital. a) Unfortunately, b) Fortunately,  c) To my horror, 15) ........ my mother was making the birthday cake, I was sending the invitations. a) When b) Suddenly c) While 16) Loak at baby Anna! She is as sweet as ... a) honey b) chocolate c) ice cream 17) They must move the desk but it's almost impossible! It is as ....... as lead! a) hard b) heavy c) big 18) It was ... concert ever! We had a great time! a) the worst b) best c) the best 19) In my opinion, football is ... than basketball. a) popular b) more popular c) the most popular 20) There is a ... on the sofa. a) spotted curtain b) spotted cushion c) spotted pillow 21) Sorry, Sir. You are ... to smoke in this area. a) can't b) not allowed to c) mustn't 22) You ... in this area. It's too dangerous! a) must swim b) mustn't swimming c) mustn't swim 23) People ....... park in this street. a) are allowed to b) are forbidden c) can


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