cash flow forecast - a plan of how much money a company expects to spend and receive over a particular period of time, A cost projection - the amount of money a company expects to spend to start or run a business in the current year and in the future, Income - money earned by a person, company, government, etc. over a particular period of time., Income statement - a document that shows a company’s profit or loss in a particular period of time, Loss - When a business spends more money than it earns, Operating costs - the costs relating to producing a company’s goods or services, or to running a business day-to-day once it has started, Revenue - the money that a company received from selling goods or services., Sales projections - reflect the expected sales of a product in the current year and in the future., Start-up costs - the amount of money needed to start an organization or business,

MOOC - ENGLISH for Business & Entrepreneurship - Module 4 Key Vocabulary


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