1) Anoche comí muchas palomitas a) Last night I slept a lot  b) Last night I ate a lot of popcorn c) Last night I worked a lot  2) Yo fui a la farmacia ayer a) You went to the museum yesterday b) We went to the pharmacy yesterday c) I went to the pharmacy yesterday 3) Ayer yo hablé mucho en la clase de español a) Yesterday I talked a lot in Spanish class  b) Today I talked a lot in Spanish Class  c) Last weekend we talked a lot in Spanish class 4) Nosotros vivimos en España el año pasado a) I lived in Spain last year  b) They lived in Spain three years ago c) We lived in Spain last year  5) ¿Comiste todo el pastel de chocolate anoche? a) Did you eat the entire chocolate cake last night? b) Did they eat the entire chocolate cake last night? c) Did he eat the entire chocolate cake last night? 6) Ella cantó "Feliz Cumpleaños" a su perro  a) They sang "Happy Birthday" to their dog b) She sang "Happy Birthday" to her dog c) He sang "Happy Birthday" to his dog

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