Why can a person be tempted to give up freelancing?, Is a cushy job a good or a bad thing?, What can create new jobs in the region?, Would you give up your career for love?, Name 3 reasons why people might resign from jobs., Do you know a person who was made redundant? Do you know why that happened?, What are three things people should not put on their CV?, What kind of person can be qualified for unemployment?, What are three tips you can give a person who is struggling to achieve a better work-life balance?, What kind of training do you need to receive if you want to be a post office clerk?, Do you think it is possible to live on welfare in Russia? Do you know any people who do/did?, What do you think is the average monthly income in Russia?, What kind of career do you want to pursue?, Do you have any side hustle?, What are the ways to tackle unemployment?, Is a desk job something you might be interested in?, Do you need to gain much experience in order to become an smm manager?.

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