As subject or complements - To achieve so much by the age of 25 in wonderful (written/formal) / It is wonderful to achieve so much by the age of 25. / Achieving so much by the age of 25 is wonderful/ It is wonderful achieving so much by the age of 25 , As object - I love to listen to music. / I love listening to music, After be - My main ambition is to become a surgeon. / My biggest nightmare is completely forgetting to turn up for Christmas.  , After nouns - His plans to travel during the holiday fell apart. /There could be a problem finding a suitable hotel. , After adjectives - I was very sorry to have to tell her about the accident. / The children were happy playing in the garden. , After prepositions (not possible with to-infinitive) - I really object to driving on busy holiday weekends. , When there is a subject in an -ing clause, the pronoun is either possessive or objective. Possessives are more formal - I really object to his making so much noise. / I really object to him making so much noise. , When there is a subject in a to-infinitive clause, we normally add for/ We also use for after some adjectives, such as easy, keen, desperate - For him to complain about being overworked is ridiculous/ He's very keen for us to go and visit him in Canada. ,

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