1) What do you do in your free time? Tell us about your hobbies. 2) Do you like listening to music? Tell us about the music you like to hear and why. 3) Do you like to read books? Tell us about what you like to read and why. 4) Can you play an instrument? Have you ever thought of playing in a band? 5) What sports do you watch/follow? Tell us about your favourite athlete or team. 6) What do you do with your friends in your free time? 7) How much time do you spend on your computer/mobile? What do you like to do? 8) Tell us about your siblings. 9) What are your household responsibilities? 10) What are your parents jobs? 11) How does your family spend their holidays? 12) Tell us about your last holiday? 13) If you could go abroad for a year, where would you go and why? 14) If you were to go abroad for a year, what would you miss most about home/Germany? 15) Tell us about your plans for the upcoming holidays. 16) What is your favourite subject and why? 17) Tell us what you like and dislike about your school. 18) What do you think about school uniforms? What are some pros and cons of wearing one? 19) Where do you usually spend time with your friends? Why do you like to spend time there? 20) Do you have a best friend? What makes your best friend so special? 21) Do you prefer spending time along or being in groups? Why? 22) Tell us how you deal with conflicts with your friends. 23) How much TV do you watch in a week? What do you like to watch? Why? 24) Tell us about your favourite movie/series. What makes it so great? 25) What was the last book that you read? What was it about and why was it good? 26) Do you like to go to the cinema? What kind of films do you prefer to watch in the cinema? Why? 27) What would happen if you couldn't use your mobile for a week? What impact would it have on your life? 28) How do your parents feel about your media use? What arguments do they have when they disagree? 29) Tell us about a place that is special to you and why. 30) Tell us about your future plans. What do you plan to do after you graduate?

Realschule Year 10 Speaking Test (Part 1) Practice

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