Cultural differences - employees will experience new cultures more regularly and this will help when dealing with clients around the world.creativity, Creativity - different cultures provide different opinions and perspectives which will help with generating new ideas within the business., Workforce - employee talent can come from all around the world, opening you to potentially highly-skilled employees from different countries., Inclusivity - Individuals with disabilities have benefited hugely from modern technologies., Collaboration - Tools that support employees working together., Scheduling - to ensure each persons time is correctly assigned to a task, Planning - we’re not wasting time doing the same job twice or failing to complete key tasks., Stakeholders - stakeholder is someone who has an interest in a business, Accessibility - Screen reader support, Alternative text, Adjustable font type/size and Text-to-speech are types of this. , Interface Design - n is about the layout & formatting of the visual elements (e.g. text & images) of a page (e.g. a web page)., Working Styles - The style in which we go about doing our job. , Wellbeing - Lack of socialisation, working in person with colleagues and isolation can have a impact on a persons.... , Websites - Good for sharing all kinds of content, including very detailed information and alternative media like videos. A good way of communicating with many types of stakeholders, Social Media - Generally good for shorter and informal communications and wouldn’t be appropriate for serious business communications., Email - Quick to reach your target stakeholders, and more private than previous communication methods mentioned. Can be forwarded or shared.,

Impact of modern technologies


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