1) If you mix green and yellow, ... 2) If you melt ice, ... 3) If you don't eat, ... 4) If you are tired, ... 5) If you mix red and white,  6) If you heat water, ... 7) If you freeze water, ... 8) My teacher gets angry if ... 9) If it snows, ... 10) If you water a cactus every day, ... 11) You get purple if ... 12) If you add lemon juice to the salad, ... 13) If you put a raw egg into a microwave oven, ... 14) If a dog waves its tail repeatedly, ... 15) If people see an accident, ... 16) Most people feel scared if ... 17) If people don't use filters in factories, ... 18) If you sit in the sun too long, ...

Create the sentence using the Zero conditional pattern appropriately. Use the given clues after choosing the number.

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